Chat Bot Commands Print

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We utilise Open Source software called NOALBS to handle the scene switching, starting and stopping of the stream and disconnection protection. 

Most Used Chat Commands

Default Role Command Description Example
Admins !start Starts your stream !start
Admins !stop Stops your stream !stop
Admins !live switch to the live scene. !live
Admins !privacy switch to the privacy scene. !privacy
Admins !starting switch to the starting scene. (if set)  !starting
Admins !ending                       switch to the ending scene. (if set) !ending
MODs !f Fixes audio issues !fix
MODs !r Fixes audio issues !refresh
Public !b returns the current bitrate. !bitrate


All Available Chat Commands

Default Role Command Description Example
Admins !start on-demand command to start streaming in OBS. !start
Admins !stop on-demand command to stop streaming in OBS. !stop
Admins !collection changes the scene collection and profile. !collection twitch
Admins !alias (alias) (command) add an alias for a command. !alias ss switch
Admins !alias rem (alias) removes an alias for a command. !alias rem ss
Admins !switch (scene) switches to the provided SCENE (fuzzy match). !switch INTRO
Admins !source (value) Toggles an OBS source item visibility on the current scene !source media
Admins !live switch to the live scene. !live
Admins !privacy switch to the privacy scene. !privacy
Admins !starting switch to the starting scene. !starting
Admins !ending switch to the ending scene. !ending
Admins !noalbs prefix (prefix) change noalbs command prefix. !noalbs prefix #
Admins !noalbs retry (value) changes the retry value for the switcher. !noalbs retry 5
Admins !noalbs lang (value) changes the chat response language. !noalbs lang zh_tw
MODs !trigger (value) changes the low bitrate threshold to the defined value. !trigger 800
MODs !otrigger (value) changes the offline bitrate threshold to the defined value. !otrigger 200
MODs !rtrigger (value) changes the RTT threshold to the defined value. !rtrigger 2000
MODs !ortrigger (value) changes the RTT based offline bitrate threshold to the defined value. !ortrigger 3000
MODs !sourceinfo gives you details about the SOURCE in chat. !sourceinfo
MODs !serverinfo gives you details about the SERVER in chat. !serverinfo
MODs !fix tries to fix the stream. !fix
MODs !refresh tries to fix the stream. !refresh
Public !bitrate returns the current bitrate. !bitrate
Admins !public (on/off) enables/disables the use of Public commands. !public off
Admins !mod (on/off) enables/disables the use of MOD commands. !mod on
Admins !notify (on/off) enables/disables the notifications in chat. !notify off
Admins !autostop (on/off) enables/disables the auto stop feature when you host/raid. !autostop on
Admins !noalbs (start/stop) NOALBS start/stop switching scenes. !noalbs stop
Admins !noalbs instant toggle instant switching from offline scene. !noalbs instant

If you would like to add any TRUSTED MODERATORS as Admins, please open a support ticket and we will get them added. Please note that they will have the power to Start and Stop the stream! 

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