Connecting to OBS Websocket using OBS Blade Print

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Controlling OBS via Websocket within OBS Blade

You will find all of the server details within the Client Portal under your active package. If this is missing, please raise a Helpdesk Ticket and we will get them added ASAP.

We recommend using OBS Blade to control OBS on your mobile device

OBS Blade is available for Android ( ) or iOS ( )

Please note that this guide has been written for Android, but iOS is very similar


Once you have downloaded and installed OBS Blade it should look like this

OBS Blade Initial Starting Screen

Press Start


OBS Blade - Websocket version selection screen

Press 28.X and above


OBS Blade with version 28.X and above selected

Press Next


OBS Blade - Confirmation of Websocket, press start

Press Start


The initial screen of OBS Blade will look like this

OBS Blade - Initial screen

Press Aa


OBS Blade - Connection Setup

Press Domain


OBS Blade Connection Setup - wss to ws

Press wss:// and change it to ws://


OBS Blade - highlighted boxes for information

Fill in DomainPort and Password - All found within the client portal


OBS Blade - Save Connection confirmation box

Press Yes to save the connection details 


OBS Blade - Connection Name

Enter the name you would like to save the connection under, then press Save


OBS Blade - Settings

Press Settings Cog and toggle the same as the screenshot;

Scene Collections
Streaming Controls

Studio Mode
Scene Preview


OBS Blade - Screen once connected

Once loaded it should look something like this. You are now ready to use OBS Blade.


To start the stream without using the Chatbot - press Go Live within OBS Blade

To turn off sources press the Eye icon next to the source name

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